Rainbow six vegas 1 vs 2
Rainbow six vegas 1 vs 2

rainbow six vegas 1 vs 2

It may not be run and gun like Halo or DOOM, but it's certainly not going for the realism of old. The Rainbow Six we have in Vegas is a straight fast action shooter. Rainbow Six was also six people back in the day each soldier could be given commands to make sure that all angles were covered. The original Rainbow Six games were tense affairs that pushed methodical action from room to room with a real sense of danger. The tactical planning sessions are gone as are teammates who can be killed. This is not the Rainbow Six PC gamers have wanted to see return. Unfortunately for fans of the original tactical Rainbow Six it's likely this means the series is never going back to its challenging and thoughtful roots. We'll leave the rest of the story to you, but take note that there is a decent storyline in place, and that Ubisoft's latest effort is setting the stage for future entries along the same storyline. All of the voice-overs are well done here so it's a pretty decently presented plot. The story is presented via briefings and overheard terrorist conversations. In Mexico, Six learns that a major assault is being planned in Las Vegas at which point the game switches settings to the glitzy and bright neon of Nevada's hottest nightlife. Intel puts her in the small border town of San Joshua del Mosquiera. Team Rainbow's newest mission finds the team at arms with Irena Morales, a Mexican terrorist that is smuggling bad guys across the border into the States.

rainbow six vegas 1 vs 2

If only the framerate was steady and multiplayer stable we'd be much happier. It's packed with gunfights, full of excitement, looks good, and provides plenty of mindless entertainment. But even through the tears it's pretty clear that Rainbow Six: Vegas is an accomplished action shooter. Are we sad about the change in the PC version? Very. It's just way different than it used to be. Does that mean it's a bad game? No, not at all.

rainbow six vegas 1 vs 2

Niche fans are likely going to be pretty pissed about Rainbow Six: Vegas because it's definitely not the Rainbow Six that was. Expensive to create games like Rainbow Six: Vegas have to appeal to as large an audience as possible, which means the niche market for hardcore realistic tactical shooters is left out. It's unsurprising considering sales numbers on those systems but it tends to leave PC gamers looking to revisit yesteryear at a bit of a disadvantage. Since those glory days Ubisoft has made the decision to make console skews a higher priority. They were tactical and exciting and were about as realistic as you could get at the time. It's no wonder considering what awesome games the originals were on the PC. PC gamers feel some bit of ownership when it comes to franchises like Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six.

Rainbow six vegas 1 vs 2