Windows 8 mouse pad not working
Windows 8 mouse pad not working

When I right mouse click on any file item or icon and select Properties option on Context menu, it is not working and doesn’t respond while other options are fine. Then scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click Additional mouse options. Go to Control Panel and click on Hardware and Sound.

windows 8 mouse pad not working windows 8 mouse pad not working

I can see Smart Gesture icon in Control Panel and when I click, it opens his standard panel with options but my touchpad is not working of course.Step 2: In the popup window, click System. You’ll see a new touchpad icon on your taskbar, near the touch keyboard button. Launch regedit, then navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\.

windows 8 mouse pad not working

2 – Now, click on Bluetooth & Devices from the left Menu.

Windows 8 mouse pad not working